Bonnie R. Politz

Bonnie R. Politz is a Youth and Community Strategy Consultant working on a variety of domestic and global projects. She has an extensive career focused on ensuring the positive and healthy development of children and youth who grow up in poor and under-served communities in Washington, D.C. across the U.S. and around the globe.   Through her work in the public and non-profit sectors, as well as philanthropy, Ms. Politz provides leadership within and across sectors at the local, state, regional and national levels to promote the design and implementation of strategic approaches to child and youth success.

Personal Statement

I am a white, Jewish woman who had the privilege of growing up in Washington, D.C. and being a minority during my public school days and throughout my adult life.  I have been in work and daily life situations with majority African American friends and colleagues where I have listened and learned about histories and experiences that had never been shared or taught to me.

My professional life has been centered on improving the lives of children, youth and families through public policy reform and program design.  

Being formally connected with The Middle Passages Ceremonies and Port Markers Project allows me to continue my listening and learning which, I believe, makes me a more informed citizen of this country and the world.   Hopefully, it also allows me the opportunity to help expand meaningful roles of young people in all aspects of MPCPMP and be involved as the organization considers strategic program and donor options.