C. Lynn Mcnair
C. Lynn Mcnair, currently serves as Chief Advancement Officer at the Georgetown Day School in Washington, DC. McNair is on the Board of Directors for the Alliance for Excellent Education, a national policy and advocacy organization working to ensure that all at-risk middle and high school students receive the support they need to meet challenging academic standards, graduate from high school and college, and develop the necessary skills and capacity to become productive citizens in the global economy. Previously, Lynn served in leadership roles at the Internet Society, the Salzburg Global Seminar, the American Association of University Women, and the National Governors Association.
Personal Statement
Ever since I was a little girl growing up near the Chesapeake Bay on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, I wondered how so many people who look like me made the Shore their home. Middle Passages has opened my eyes to how we got here and our importance to the thriving economy from which so few of us benefited.
To mark the moment our ancestors stepped foot on these shores is an important historical one. It is an honor to be a part of this project and to have in my heart the challenges we faced as a people taken from our homes in Africa and made to be a part of a bewildering land and people who never thought of us as humans.